PhD/MSc opportunities at the McMaster SG&T research group

The Structural Geology and Tectonics research group at McMaster University (Hamilton, ON, Canada) is currently seeking MSc and PhD students to work on fully funded projects in structural geology and tectonics starting Sept. 2022.

Anyone who's interested can get in touch with Dr. Alexander Peace. Please send a message with a CV plus a description of their research interests to

Our group works on a wide range of topics including: tectonics, structural geology, magmatism, geohazards, petroleum geology, sedimentary basins, seismic interpretation and potential-field studies. More details can be found here:

PhD projects are open to international students who meet the McMaster entry requirements. For MSc studies, students need to be Canadian citizens (or permanent residents).

New preprint out!

Checkout our preprint on the reactivation potential of faults in the western Quebec seismic zone, eastern Canada at EarthArXiv.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Hot off the press! 🚨 Check out our new EPSL paper on the controls of tectonic, climatic, and lithologic interactions on fluvial erosion in the South-Central Andes!


Fresh off the press! Check out our new Geosphere paper which demonstrates the use of geomorphic indices in studying the activity of the Tuzgölü fault zone in Turkey! (


Our Geomorphology paper "Regional relative tectonic activity of structures in the Pampean flat slab segment of Argentina from 30 to 32°S" is now available online !


Our paper "Coseismic ground rupture of the October 15, 2013 Magnitude (MW) 7.2 Bohol Earthquake, Bohol Island, Central Philippines" is now online!


Check out our 2019 paper in Tectonics, titled "Late Quaternary Activity of the La Rinconada Fault Zone, San Juan, Argentina"
